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The Beginning

The Beginning

Hiking Ben A’an is a good work out. The hike up the mountain which sits at 454m (1,490ft) takes about an hour and a half. As we hiked up, it was super muddy and sludgy making the going difficult since I didn’t have waterproof boots on. The weather as well wasn’t too nice. Between the mist and rain, it was hard to fully enjoy the hike. The gradient is steep with many rocks to navigate over.

Dodging the Rocks

Dodging the Rocks

The best view we had. Can barely see the loch through the trees

The best view we had. Can barely see the loch through the trees

Hiking up to Ben A’an we didn’t have the views that we were hoping for. Never the less, it was still a great hike with lots of places to get muddy and dirty! At the top, the weather hadn’t changed and the peak was covered in mist not letting us view very far. Continuing the hike back down, was difficult with the slippery rocks and slick mud. Each of us had to watch our step and be careful. Luckily we all made it down safe and sound but not as clean as when we started. This was a great hike with lots of rain and mud. I can only imagine how good it would be on a nice sunny day.

