Well the time has come! Can’t believe how fast it has approached but it is time for my second bikepacking race. This one is along the Colorado Trail and is headed westbound this year from Denver to Durango. 500mi with roughly 70,000ft of climbing. My goal is to finish in 7 days as long as all of my gear and bicycle hold up well throughout the race. Follow the 69 riders this year on http://www.trackleaders.com my bubble will be labeled RB. Direct link here http://trackleaders.com/ctr16 which updates all riders positions every 10 minutes.

After the race I will have a write up and pictures to share with everyone (yes I have been slacking on my AZT Race post). Also tune into mtb cast (website or podcast) for people calling in telling they’re part of the journey. Who knows I might make a call?! Time to ride my legs off and then eat a whole cow!